1 Year before 2012

Ok if you really want to know. Every 33,000 years or so the Earths poles do a flip. the Ozone layer becomes week. bad weather changes . Fires and floods. Yes the 2012 thing is a big probability and is looking more fact then fiction as we near the time. As the poles start to weaken , ready to flip. they stray . This has already been logged. 
Then as they weaken , navigation become difficult  for creatures that use the poles to navigate. Also sun bursts high up have bad effects. the probable real reason why Concord was taken out of service. And just discovered by my self asking air hostesses . that long high Altitude flights have to be restricted for how many you can do , due to radiation sickness. 

This goes to prove that the ionosphere is reducing. 

Peoples attitudes change and so the world goes into kayos. Armageddon. 

If you take into account all the facts from the History of the earth and the bible . Scientific evidence, Prophecies All this in one put . lay it out 

The puzzle looks very real. may be it will, may be it wont. But at the end of the day with the rapid growing speed of Humans is breading. Curing disease and spreading not just him self , but his Pollution, concrete destruction, Chemical and biological un balance of nature taking more then he needs. killing anything that gets in his way. In the last 40 years Earth had undergone dramatic change from humans. Its dying ! 

In 40 years I have observed the growth and started explaining this years ago. No one listens . I call it the 40 year dead zone . In 40 years , just think back you older ones who remember the 60s. How good life was back then. Week ends off . We could maintain what we had. Time to leisure. I was only talking to friends to day about finding paradise. Moving to the hills. But many are already sharing the same feeling, to escape the city. Already we face food crisis in a magnitude scale as the younger generations don’t want to farm. they rather sit in-front of a computer. The film terminator and matrix is already becoming fact , we are slaves to technology . This will not feed us in the future. 

Already cultures . tribes and Traditions are being lost . Those wonderful sights will become a wax work image .

Sabah in 40 years will be like the dark city . Not just Sabah but many Countries and governments are even now pressing for more land development throughout the Planet !

As man starts to fight for space to live. I just checked the net and the statistics are frightening. 
every second its estimated 3 more people are born . less die now from not getting the right nutrition .cancer or old age , 40% of the worlds population is in India and china. This excludes those in places like the Philippines and other places where birth rates are not recorded. 

The truth is , Unless nature takes a turn or world war reduces the population. We will start fighting for food and space to live . Stress is already killing many from city life. Over work stressful living from greedy companies,

Corrupting undermining groups that fear change will take their revenue, fight the system that is meant for us to evolve. 
We have gone backward and lost the reason of living, only to exist in our own hell. And I am now wondering if , 2012 does not happen the way most say. It has already started, and hell is what we face. 

The greed for materialistic things , wanting more then we need to survive. Destroying the very essence of life nature that we need to stay alive. 
Rain forests and the oceans are being changed from mans gain . The seas fish stocks un balanced from over fishing, now replaced with jelly fish. O2 levels drop! Co2 levels rise. 

I don't care what you say now out there, as its to late to revers the damage . or is It. it would now take in the next three months for Governments World leaders to make the change in force laws to every one on the planet to do their bit to clean up. and change their ways. To control birth rate. . But the economy and underground money makers will never let this happen. 

Like Medicine operations . Welfare of man kind will always suffer. for the gain of some one s greed. 

All to easy to blame governments. They don't help matters. The fact is they have to control make space and keep us fed. But the truth is. Its all going out of control .  They have little say in the matter due to other corruption on the planet. 

I read a book called the Only Planet Of Choice. When i was in Crete working in diving , I was lent this book after writing my thoughts and Biography and as some of you know. Predictions that have come to ,past. 

This book and what it is about is hard for many to embrace. but I can only say i hope it is true. as It may be our only hope now for survival and the further of man and the good of the earth. 

We con only pray now that the heavens are watching over us and sone prophecy will come true. That a higher being ( race ) God of good, who ever you like to call his name , will come and take action and put things rights. 

We are now on the count down in 2011. Be open minded fill your self with awareness, take the blinkers off. And be prepared. 

Yes Chris the birds will fall from the sky. This was for told !
