Yes time slips by another year another day.
Yet so much is taken for granted. We all have a date with destiny. One that we are most unaware of. Little do we know, we are creating our own doom.
The greed that we are unaware of. The demand we have to keep us entertained and keep up with the ever growing trap of so called progress. The demanding resources we put on our selves has a dramatic impact on the environment we call earth. Our home. It effects us all.
Now think of this. If we look at our home. The rubbish and energy we waist and produce. The unnecessary food we buy and throw away. The unnecessary things we buy to live and then forget and neglect. gadgets etc.
Where does it come from? how is it made? what does it take to make it. Why do we need it?
Well the truth is you. You get an idea. You create interest to make that Idea. That needs now to be manufactured. So to do this a Building has to be built. Then land is required to build it, trees have to be cut down. Land has to be developed. This requires more development for electric water, sewage. Then to employ people to work there.
More resources to make it and waste to deal with. People to employ need homes, so more buildings go up. more trees come down. people need food, so more shops go up and more demand on resources. hen the boredom sets in of a repetitive life style. So gadgets TV and junk food is required to satisfy the need to stop mans brian going crazy. the lack of adventure develops narrow mindedness and crime. the lack of the need for nature. But to feed the need for wanting more. No long ago. only about 30 years before computers and mobile phones, We used to limb hills and trees. make tents and camps. Go to the county side for entertainment. Where did that all go. Cut down because of mans stupidity to confine him to his home. Imprisonment behind his own walls.
People become selfish and Un aware of who they are and what life exists out side there boundaries. Become depressed and start to destroy. evil will find tis for idle hands to do? Think about it.
Cars and Buildings are the worse selfish greed on mans demand to keep up with all the disorder of so called progress.
The need for transport, the need for more growth. to whose expense. our future.
Cars need to be manufactured and create more roads multi story car parks Pollute with oil fumes and rubber dust. Unwanted parts scrap yards Unsightly traffic jams and noise
But worse Exhaust out put. Cities towns the highway All jammed up now. So what about next year and the year after and the year after that. If we ever get there. What do you do when a new mobile phone come out. A new camera. All the junk of old to have new.
These are the facts. And although this is a competition. Its not that I want to be the COOL writer. I want people to read the truth!
Think about your daily out put. Yes i am Guilty too. down to this very lap top i write on.
Well done for all those who have given input to the need for the shout for help on our planet,
The fact is Time is running out, We mast all play a part.
When you get up to going to bed. Think about your awareness to your duty to help.
To the kettle you boil to the tooth past you use. the package you throw away. the cigaret you throw and where it is thrown . The detergent you wash up with and wash the car.
Where does it go?
What food you by and what food you waste and throw. Or goes out of date. Yes we are having a world shortage on food yet many of you abuse what you buy and eat. 40 ears ago we had a problem. now 40 years on the population grows even more, putting even more pressure on resources. And we still take the food we eat in the super market for granted. We only need ti tip the balance a little more to create total globe disaster.
we will be killing our Neighbors to survive.
Hay most of you may say"I don't need this shit"! well its fact and the earth does not want yours. And this is the Arrogant attitude we face when fighting for a cleaner better planet.
Its true what they say A wise man can lean from a fool but a fool cannot learn from the wise man.
Its not US and you that are reading this that needs to know?
Its those who are court up in the rat race. Un aware. The dead end jobs that local villages that use every effort with out thought to survive, because mans greed to take more then he needs has now put pressure on those who take for just there needs. Now fight for a living.
We need to educate those who do not understand. Stop those big business money making "I want all. The people that are selfish with out realizing it. Soon they will have nothing.
Get what i am saying?
So Now Lets start with the facts :
All the above lands up in one place. The Sea. Al the wash off from the broken land. The roads. the Chemicals. All land up unbalancing the sea.
the Ocean is responsible for for most of the Oxygen we breath. It feed us not to forget, the very rain we drink come from the sea. Yet we still keep raping it from all the marine life. taking the young and egg bering creatures that need to re furbish the life stock.
We rape the deepest parts of of the Ocean of crabs and prawns, the very cleaners that are responsible for the cycle of life the smaller zooplankton and bacteria that breaks down the waste
is now threatened by chemicals. In the shallows, Corals die from Algae not natural to the sea that infesters and chokes the sea bed. Dead spaces bread jelly fish that are no god to us. they also now take over the Oceans due to the lack of small fry to eat them. The sea and the plants ( trees RAIN FORESTS) All work together to sustain life. The air we breath. Take one away and a chemical gas change happens. Its a recopy of life on the planet. SO STOP MESSING WITH IT!
To make things worse the ice caps are melting faster each day. So not so far in the future. Yes Water world will become true. To the point what was once a blue planet Oceania will be once again in our life time. The evidence is there. Yet many of you still believe it will not happen.
Think re-souses tell your post NO junk mail. Tell your Bank cut back on letters and statements. your office use recycled paper. Re use what you can. Say no to Animal parts Tiger shark Turtle. ivory . Exotic pets. Even going abroad. Say why also.
Don't be afraid to complain write to Governments and local Mayors Don't leave it up for some one ells to do it. Its you that counts.
Now for the unseen facts.
in Greece and Egypt they do not allow anything to go into the sea. that is anything that does not pass through you.
So No toilet paper or condoms or chemicals go into the sea. And WOW the sea is clean and clear and thriving with life. well it was 6 years ago last time I went.
Because we are all rapped up in the rat race of Humanity. Remember its those who do these acts to the earth are probably unaware to what they do. So we must stop or educate them. Once only 40 years ago this was not a concern. if we now face a crisis in 40 years later so how is life going to be on another 40 years. will we be here?
Protect life. Protect what we have and help those who try to stop those developers who do not think about the destruction they do to the environment that sustains life that keeps us alive.
Not Only do we need to protect what we have as precious to us as it is to those who care.
Precious to the balance of everything to us and this Planet.
One day we will need every product of natures resources to survive.
If what we face from floods and the possible reversal of the planets magnetic polls. to which is already on the go. Evidence found that is also upsetting our weather. This Is going to challenge us to the extreme. may i say that is already happening. then we face the predicted planetary change and forecasted repeated events that have been happening in history. We are little and more fragile then we think. We are tiny to what nature can and will throw at us.
We all struggle now to preserve the wild life. Each day we make new discoveries to admire and for research. to photograph, film entertain. That could help us, educate us, may save us.
This planet is wonderful precious Beautiful and amazing. Don't let it become an article for our kids to read in a book or to become a computer program of that what was once long ago.
We only have one home That is Earth. We are far behind to leave it if we fail. If we have not failed already. have a nice day. Don't be afraid to speak up and say your bit. Wake your friends your family and others that you care and so must they.
Think and look how we have messed up the planet in the last 40 years, What do you want in the next 40 and more or 10 years....?????
Now we are in 2011
Events are happening fast !
Events are happening fast !